Course Description

This is an online course focusing on methods for analysing equity in the distribution of health programme costs and effects and trade-offs between equity and cost-effectiveness. The course is aimed at health economists and health professionals with experience of health economic evaluation, who wish to learn how to use more specialised methods for analysing distributional equity impacts and trade-offs. It is designed for participants who are familiar with standard methods of cost-effectiveness analysis, for example those who have already attended our short courses in Decision Modelling for Health Economic Evaluation. It is envisaged that participants will currently be undertaking cost-effectiveness analysis, or planning to do so in the near future. The course consists of five modules over five weeks, with each module requiring about four or five hours of time commitment for self-paced study and online interaction – about one and a half hours for pre-recorded video material, one hour for a computer exercise, one hour for attending a ‘live’ Q&A session, and one or two hours for reading and discussion board interaction - totalling 20 to 25 hours altogether.

How It Works

The video lectures/exercises for each module will be released on the dates specified in the first column of the timetable below. You can then work through these in your account at any time you wish. The second column indicates how much time you should expect to dedicate to this. For each module there will be a one-hour live Q&A session with senior faculty and tutors; this is the only fixed-time component and will take place on the dates shown in the third column of the timetable. The live sessions will comprise a mix of plenary discussion and small group discussion in Zoom breakout rooms, with rooms rotated to give everyone the opportunity to meet everyone else. Do not worry if you are unable to attend every live session; in addition to the live Q&A sessions, there will be a discussion board available on the course platform, where you can post general and module-specific questions and comments for tutors, the course leader, and fellow participants. Students are encouraged to keep up with the timetable where possible as tutor support is only available during the timetabled dates.

Teaching Methods

  • Five modules over five weeks

  • ‘Bite-size’ video presentations from leading experts in equity methods

  • Updated exercises using MS Excel and a web tool

  • Video ‘walkthrough’ of each exercise

  • Online discussion forums monitored by tutors and the course leader

  • One ‘live’ question and answer session for each module

  • Informal networking with faculty and fellow participants in Zoom breakout rooms


  • Private/Commercial Rate


    The Private/Commercial Rate for this course is £1,450 per student.

  • Academic/Public Sector Rate


    The Academic/Public Sector Rate for this course is £995 per student.

How To Register

The course fee is payable in advance. Payment is accepted by card or by bank transfer. To register, please complete the registration form at the link below. Upon completing the form, you will receive an automated confirmation email with invoice (and receipt if you paid by card) and further instructions.